1. Privy CMP Script
Ensure that the script tag provided by the Privy Consent Manager Platform is embedded correctly in your website’s <head>
section. This script is essential for capturing user consent and ensuring that the consent preferences are passed to Google Consent Mode.
2. Google Tag Manager (GTM) Installation
Verify that Google Tag Manager is installed and functioning correctly on your website. GTM acts as the bridge to manage your website's tags and ensure they comply with user consent signals.
3. Matching GTM Container ID
Make sure the GTM installation uses the same container ID that will be used to configure and manage tags. A mismatched container ID will result in tags not firing as intended.
Log in to your Google Tag Manager account.
On the dashboard, navigate to the Tags section in the left-hand menu.
Click on the New button to create a fresh tag configuration.
In the tag creation window, you’ll see a section titled Tag Configuration.
Click Tag configuration to start configuring the tag.
In the gallery search bar, type Privy CMP.
Once the Privy CMP template appears in the search results, click on it to select it.
Next, click Add to Workspace to incorporate the Privy CMP template into your Google Tag Manager setup.
After adding the template, go to the Triggering section.
Click on Choose a Trigger and select Consent Initialization - All Pages from the list of available triggers.
This trigger ensures the tag is executed before any other tag.
Review your tag configuration and trigger selection to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Once confirmed, click Save to finalize and add the tag to your Google Tag Manager setup.
Now that the Privy CMP template has been successfully added, the next step is to configure consent for each tag. This ensures that your tags are only fired based on the user’s consent preferences. Follow the steps below:
1. Access the Admin Section
Open your Google Tag Manager account.
Navigate to the Admin section located in the left-hand menu at the bottom of the dashboard.
2. Open Container Settings
From the Admin section, locate and select Container Settings.
Look for a checkbox labeled something like “Enable Consent Overview.”(Beta)
Click the checkbox to enable this feature. This setting ensures that all tags within the container respect user consent preferences.
3. Save the Changes
After enabling the consent checks, click the Save button to apply the changes to the container.
Doing these steps, you should see a shield like icon beside the new option on the work space screen.
In this step we map consent with each of the tags we have in our container.
Refer to the table showing consents mapped with the category.
Category | Consent Checks |
Marketing/Advertising | ad_storage , ad_personalization, ad_user_data |
Functional | functionality_storage','personalization_storage |
Analytics | analytics_storage |
Performance | analytics_storage |
Locate the shield icon beside the New button in the top-right corner of the Tags section.
Click on the shield icon to open the Consent Overview screen.
On the Consent Overview screen, you will see a list of tags and their consent settings.
Some tags have built-in consent checks, meaning they are pre-configured to check for specific types of user consent before firing.
For example, the Conversion Linker tag has built-in consent checks for the following:
- ad_storage
- ad_personalization
- ad_user_data
Example: If the built-in consent checks for the Conversion Linker tag includead_storage, ad_personalization, and ad_user_data, and these purposes are mapped to Marketing in Privy CMP, the tag will only fire when the user has given consent for Marketing.
If a tag requires additional consent beyond its built-in checks, you can configure this manually:
Here are the steps, and how you can do it.
Click on the checkbox next to the tag you wish to configure.
This highlights the tag and allows you to access the consent settings.
Once the tag is selected, click on the shield-shaped icon (or "Shield-Settings" icon)located in the top-right corner of the screen.
This will open the consent configuration panel for the selected tag.
Under the consent configuration panel, navigate to the section labeled Require Additional Consent for Tag to Fire.
Enter the consent types you want to associate with the tag. For example:
- If the tag is being used for functional purposes, add functional_storage and personalization_storage as the required consents.
- If the tag is for marketing purposes then add ad_storage, ad_personalization, ad_user_data.
After entering the required consent types, click Save to apply the changes.
If the selected tag does not require any additional consent:
- Click on the checkbox next to the tag.
- Open the Shield-Settings icon.
- Select No Additional Consent Required from the options.
- Click Save to confirm the changes.
Continue these steps for each tag in your container until the consent configuration is complete for all tags.
One all tags are configured Click Publish to take your changes live.